Support these food justice programs while learning how to cook at home

Schoolchildren at The Wynwood Yard during a Food Justice field trip (Jacqueline Bermudez) “There's no convenient time to stand up for what's clear and just. Lives have been dramatically impacted by the events that have unfolded over the past several weeks and it is important that we call attention to an unequivocal fact, Black Lives Matter.
We stand in solidarity with those who share this belief. We will do our part to listen carefully to what is occurring in the beloved country we call home, and all over the world.” -Hector Gutierrez, CEO of JOI
Given the vast and complex injustices that loom, it feels difficult to know how to make a difference. Everything feels insufficient. And yet, as Angela Davis said: “Sometimes we have to do the work even though we don’t yet see a glimmer on the horizon that it’s actually going to be possible.”
We each have the power to take meaningful actions in the coming days and months. We can, and must, keep striving to do more.
This is why we strive to raise awareness and funds for organizations doing good around us in everything we do and in every way possible, including through our online cooking classes featuring della bowls recipes.
For our interactive cooking class on June 18 with Chef Julie, we’ll be learning how to make the Southwest Bowl, and tying our fundraising efforts to two selected organizations that are working hard for food justice and equal opportunity in farming and food security. We have more information about these organizations below.
100% of our net profits from this June 18th class will be divided between these two organizations. You can also choose to make a donation above the class ticket amount.
We encourage you to join us in this cooking class, and to please make an extra donation to one or more of these organizations. More resources and options for donation are available in the article, Black Lives Matter, on our blog.
WANDA: Women Advocating Nutrition, Dietetics and Agriculture
photo via
Given the rise of diet-related conditions like obesity and diabetes among Black women both in Africa and the Diaspora, WANDA aims to build a platform for “a new generation of food sheroes.”
The WANDA movement, launched in both Africa and America, set a goal to give a million women and girls access to education and health advocacy opportunities by 2030, to improve agriculture and nutrition worldwide.
According to the WANDA founders, “Globally the state of opportunities for women and girls of African descent in agriculture and nutrition is dismal at best as a consumer and change-maker. We suffer disproportionately as the top offenders–nutritionally and economically—in short.
“The range of malnutrition and poverty challenges include anemia, obesity, heart disease and diabetes to low to no wage work offers and low-ranked positions.
“WANDA works to change the next chapter of this story through our innovative educational programs, advocacy and policy and much-needed promotion for women and girls making an impact from farm to fork.”
Soul Fire Farm
Soul Fire Farm is a BIPOC*-centered community farm committed to ending racism and injustice in the food system.
According to their mission, “Soul Fire Farm grows food as an act of solidarity with those oppressed by food apartheid while maintaining respect for their ancestors, history, and the environment. Soul Fire Farm conducts training programs to raise the next generation of activist-farmers and support food sovereignty for future communities.”
They “raise and distribute life-giving food as a means to end food apartheid. With deep reverence for the land and wisdom of our ancestors, they work to reclaim our collective right to belong to the earth and to have agency in the food system.”
The organization “brings diverse communities together on their healing land to share skills on sustainable agriculture, natural building, spiritual activism, health, and environmental justice.”
Soul Fire Farm trains the next generation of activist-farmers and strengthens the movements for food sovereignty and community self-determination.
The organization’s Co-Director Leah Penniman recently completed a book, Farming While Black, a guide for African-heritage growers to reclaim their dignity.
*The term BIPOC stands for ‘Black, Indigenous, People of Color,’ it is meant to unite all people of color in the work for liberation while intentionally acknowledging that not all people of color face the same levels of injustice. By specifically naming Black and Indigenous people we are recognizing that Black and Indigenous people face the worst consequences of systemic white supremacy, classism and settler colonialism. (
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